Bridging Hearts and Minds: A Historic Gathering of Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi Buddhist Monks for Unity and Fraternity

Celebrating Serenity: Highlights from the Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony at Patiya Central Buddhist Monastery & Welfare Complex, November 24, 2023
Celebrating Serenity: Highlights from the Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony at Patiya Central Buddhist Monastery & Welfare Complex, November 24, 2023
December 28, 2023
Happy sacred Vesak Day 2568
May 22, 2024

Bridging Hearts and Minds: A Historic Gathering of Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi Buddhist Monks for Unity and Fraternity

In a historic event, a meeting was held between prominent Sri Lankan Buddhist monks and the esteemed members of the Bangladesh Sangharaj Bhikkhu Mahasabha (The Supreme Sangha Council of Bangladesh). The event took place at Patiya Central Buddhist Monastery Welfare Complex, Patiya Municipality, Patiya, Chattogram, Bangladesh attracting a gathering of distinguished monks, followers, and students of Nalanda Institute of Buddhist Education. The meeting aimed to strengthen the ties of unity and fraternity amongst the two Sangha communities.

Ven. Bogamuwe Dheerananda Thero, Assistant Registrar of the Faculty of Graduate Studies & Centre for External Examinations, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka stated in his speech that in the past many Buddhist monks and novices from Bangladesh studied Buddhist studies and Pali without offering any payment, and getting all educational facilities and still so on. In the future, if any Buddhist monks or novices from Bangladesh want to study in Sri Lanka, they will provide all educational privileges.

During the meeting, Ven. Bogamuwe Dheerananda Thero praised Bangladesh for its commitment to religious harmony. He also acknowledged the support of the Bangladesh Sangharaj Bhikkhu Mahasabha when Sri Lanka was affected Tsunami and COVID-19.

Ven. Dehipe Chandawiamala Thero, Abbot of Sri Nagarukkharama Purana Vihara, Welwaduwa, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka said that if Bangladeshi monks and novices want to study there, he will try to help all kinds of privileged especially resident visa. He also teaches on online platforms especially if anyone takes a course there, and will be able to apply to all universities around the world.

On the other hand, Bangladesh Sangharaj Bhikkhu Mahasabha’s Secretary General Dr Sanghapriya Mahathero in his welcome speech expressed gratitude to Ven. Bogamuwe Dheerananda Thero, Dr. Rev. Kukurampola Gnanawimala Thero Ph.D, Ven. Dehipe Chandawiamala Thero for their auspicious visit, highlighting the significance of such interfaith initiatives in cultivating greater understanding and harmony among different Buddhist communities and also stated that in the past Sri Lankan government, Buddhist monks and people helped Bangladeshi prominent Buddhist monks who studied Buddhism and Pali there and then came in Bangladesh. After studying Buddhism and Pali, they propagated Buddhism across the country. He also proposed that in the Future if any monks and novices go to study there, they can help them.

In the beginning, we honored them with a floral wreath and Card. The whole program was presided over by His Holiness Most Ven. Shasanapriya Mahathero, Deputy Sangharaj of Bangladesh Sangharaj Bhikkhu Mahasabha and Ven. Prajnananda Mahathero, Vice President of Mahasabha recited the verse of Holy Tipitaka. Ven. Priyaratna Mahathero, Vice President of Mahasabha translated all the speech Bengali and Sinhala Languages. The whole program was conducted by Ven. Buddha Shabak Bhikkhu, Assistant Information and Technology Secretary of Mahasabha.

This meeting of unity and fraternity between Sri Lankan Buddhist monks and the Bangladesh Sangharaj Bhikkhu Mahasabha stands as a shining example of cooperation, and mutual respect. Such initiatives go a long way in fostering lasting peace and understanding among diverse Sangha Communities, reaffirming the timeless values of Buddhism.

Buddha Shabak
Buddha Shabak
Every human being has the hand of some great person behind growing up. Similarly, the contribution of Buddha Shabak Bhikkhu’s (certificate & passport name: Bhuddha Shabak Sramon) maternal uncle revered late Priyashil Mahathero (Prominent Buddhist Monk) is very memerable in the struggle for the life of him. He was born in the traditional village of Kalauzan under Lohagara upazila, Chattogram, Bangladesh. His parents are Sunil Kanti Barua & Suva Rani Barua. When his father passed away at the age of 10, there was none to take the helm of his family. Then his revered maternal uncle brought him to Hasimpur Sunandaram Bihar (Buddhist Monastery) and admitted him to the school. After passing class 5, his revered uncle brought him to his own monastery. From there, with his uncle's indomitable inspiration, a new chapter in his educational life began and his uncle took his educational life forward with absolute compassion.He continued his education in many struggles. He took ordination on 16 July 2012 from most Venerable Basumitra Mahathero inspired by his revered uncle Priyashil Mahathero. He completed his Secondary & Intermediate education from Gachbaria N. G. Model High School & Gachbaria Government College. He received his Graduation and Post-graduation in English literature from the renowned university BGC Trust University Bangladesh. Now he is the president of the Buddhist Monk Student’s Association of Bangladesh; Secretary General & Chief Resident of Patiya Central Buddhist Monastery & Welfare Complex; General Member of Sangharaj Purnachar Bhikkhu Sangsad (Association); Executive Member of Pravati and Assistant Information & Technology Secretary of Bangladesh Sangharaj Bhikkhu Mahasabha (The Supreme Sangha Council of Bangladesh).

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